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Family Villages
The villages featured here are associated with my forebears, going back many centuries.
In Suffolk, a family church to which I'm connected through my mother, and the family armorial inside.

On the Norfolk coast, a family residence.
Some of my father's family came from Worcestershire and Gloucestershire--the county boundary has changed over time. During the Civil War, my ancestor was the church warden here. He was also an officer in the King's Regiment, fighting with the Royalists.
In 1688, his son was a warden at this church in a neighbouring village. The pigeon house sits across the road from the church.

In the church above, he married a young woman whose family came from an adjacent parish.
She was christened at this ancient font in the church above and would have been very familiar with this and other stone figures deocorating the building

This is her family's manor house.
Which is quite near this lovely spot on the River Severn.